Landshare Development Update — May 26th, 2023

5 min readMay 26, 2023


Welcome to the latest Landshare Development Update! The team is hard at work developing the new RWA Token feature to make it easier than ever to invest in real estate with Landshare. But that’s not all — we’re also working on NFT updates, new LAND utilities, new investment types, an improved user experience for the Landshare App, and much more! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our previous development update for more details.

In today's post, we will be providing a progress report on the RWA Token development, introducing you to our newest rental property, and addressing some common community feedback and questions. If you’re new to Landshare or have been away for a while, be sure to check out our RWA Token feature preview to learn all about the upcoming changes.

New Property

As previously stated, one of our primary goals with the RWA Token is to expand our property pool quickly and efficiently. At its core, the RWA token is designed to create an additional layer of stability and consistency by offering properties from a diverse range of markets. Spreading exposure in this manner allows high performing assets to compensate for properties with lower-than-expected returns, ensuring a more stable and reliable investment experience.

With that in mind, we are happy to announce a new addition to the RWA Token ecosystem! Located in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, our newest cash flow property is expected to yield a rental return of up to 10%. Properties in Cleveland Heights have also appreciated over 12% year-over-year, with median sale prices nearly doubling in the last 5 years. This all adds up to a potential 20%+ annual return!

With the new addition, the Landshare RWA Token will provide investors with exposure to 3 cash flow properties located in various markets across the US right out of the gate. By averaging the expected rental income and property appreciation across all 3 cash flow properties, investors will see more accurate and stable returns.

Future investments

We view long-term rentals as the backbone of our RWAs, providing stable and predictable returns over time. However, as we mentioned in our previous development update, we intend to expand our future offerings to include additional property types due to the additional flexibility granted by the RWA Token.

Alternative investments like house flips and short-term rentals can provide additional yields on top of the baseline income our existing rentals provide. Our first tokenized house flip boasted a gross return of 19.48% over ~3 months, or an 70.83% APR equivalent yield. Similarly, short-term rentals can provide an estimated 15%+ APR according to Roofstock.

The advantage of the RWA Token is that all investors will benefit from all future investments no matter when they made their initial purchase. This can be summarized with a simple idea — buy, hold, and earn! Investors will benefit from all future developments, including house flips and short-term rentals, by simply buying and holding — no need for separate investments.

RWA Progress Report

The RWA Token is the next big step forward for Landshare, and we are excited to get the feature live soon. Our legal partners, design team, and developers have been hard at work behind the scenes to launch this feature as soon as possible. We have all hands on deck, and we know that our community is as eager as us for the upcoming feature launch.

In the spirit of transparency and community involvement, we believe it’s important to keep you informed and engaged every step of the way. We would like to provide you with a progress report on the current status of the new feature’s development.

Legal and compliance

Our legal partners are working to ensure that the Landshare RWA Token is compliant and available to as many investors in as many different regions as possible. Through the work done by our partners, we are excited to announce that in addition to all investors who had access to Asset Tokens previously, several new jurisdictions will be whitelisted for RWA launch! If your country is still not available, we will continue working post-launch to expand our jurisdictional availability.

NFT Updates

Our previous development update went into great detail about some of the major changes coming to the NFT ecosystem. The development team is nearly completed with all the updated smart contracts, and will be entering the first phase of testing soon.

In addition to these changes, our team is working on a number of other improvements to the NFT feature. Expect to see an improved UI, greatly enhanced load times, and more under-the-hood improvements at RWA launch.

UI Updates

As part of our app update, we will be introducing the new RWA page, a one-stop-shop for all things RWA Token. This all-in-one destination will allow investors to gain access to detailed financial information, real-time tracking of Landshare property values, and seamless buying or selling of RWA Tokens.

In addition to the new RWA page, our design team is crafting a refreshed user experience for the entire Landshare App. The new app homepage will deliver the latest news directly to users, ensuring that everyone is looped in on all the biggest changes to the platform. The new vaults page will feature a clean and updated look, with additional features like APR calculators. Finally, users can expect to see improved mobile navigation menus and reduced loading times throughout the Landshare App

Closing Thoughts

The Landshare RWA Token is more than just an update to our tokenization model — it’s an upgrade to the entire Landshare ecosystem! We are working diligently ensure that every aspect is thoroughly refined and optimized. We want to make sure everything is in perfect order before we make any official announcements regarding the release window. In the meantime, you can expect more periodic progress reports and development updates when applicable.

We look forward to sharing more information about the RWA Token and other upcoming features in the coming weeks. Be sure to follow us on social media using the links below so you don’t miss any of the latest updates!

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